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Dry itchy scalp

With the winter months, itchy, dry skin isn't the only thing that flakes and itches. So does your scalp. The dryness of cold air adds to the problem. Today's tip was sent in by Karen who sent it with a question. The question was "Is it safe for color-treated hair?" I will tell you what I told Karen... Since vinegar is used to clarify hair and remove build-ups of hair sprays and products, it can fade the color if used too often. I wouldn't use it on just colored hair since it will remove the most color at that time. But, if you use this treatment as a "once in a while" treatment, you shold be OK... Here's the treatment:

Flaky Scalp Treatment

1 C. apple cider vinegar
6 aspirins, crushed
1/4 C. witch hazel

Combine all ingredients and store in a tightly capped jar or bottle. After shampooing, gently massage rinse into your hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse again with warm water. Shake well before each use.

Treatment for damaged hair

Once a week, comb olive oil through your hair concentrating on the ends. Put a shower cap on and let it soak in overnight if you can. Shampoo out in the morning. Use an old pillowcase or cover the case with an old towel to prevent staining. If you don't like the idea of going to bed like a "salad head," Do this treatment and leave it on the hair for at least a few hours while you are lounging around the house or even while you are slaving around the house. Wrap a towel around the shower cap to keep the heat in...

Apples to the Rescue

I've given you many homemade treatments that contain different foods. Today, it's the apple that will make a difference on your skin when used as a toner. Apples are high in vitamins A and C and also contain potassium. A toner is applied on skin after it has been cleansed and before moisturizing...

Remove the peel and seeds of one apple. Cut it up in pieces.

Place the apples in a small pot with 1/2 cup of water. Bring to a boil and remove from the heat...

After the mixture has cooled, strain the apple chunks.

Stir in 1/4 cup Witch Hazel and store in a clean container to use everytime you cleanse your face. Apply with a cotton ball or pad...

If you have highly sensitive skin, cut down the amount of Witch Hazel in half...
This apple based clarifying rinse will restore shine and remove the build-up your hair gets from hairsprays and gels. This also restores the scalps's PH level. If you have a sensitive scalp or a scalp that is excessively dry, use half the amount of apple cider vinegar called for in the recipe...

1 large apple, peeled and cut up into small pieces...
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 cups water

Blend all the ingredients in a blender or food processor on high... Pour the mixture through a strainer into a clean container. Throw away the solids...

Pour mixture through your hair after shampooing as a final rinse, massaging through your hair as you work it through...

Rinse with cool water...

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